Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Piano Trio in C Major KV. 548 by Mozart was completed in July 1788, not long before the completion of "Jupiter" of Symphony â,,-. 41, and also into the C major key. Is remarkable, that in the course of several months in the summer of 1788, only the year after death of his father, Mozart wrote his last three symphonies, by culmination his symphonic work! Mozart's last three Piano trios were written simultaneously. It is burdened by the severe illness of his wife, which added to its of financial stress, that the last piano trio were published in an attempt at the attraction of means to earn money.

Trio consists of three motions and begins, as is not Symphony No.41 with the pump that "requires attention," that its special features of the work of chamber music for the stringed instrument. Music, which follows it seems predictable at first, but in the course of development division were proposed to glance into the soul of a musical genius. Modulation, on the decrease chromatic of lines and the excellent selection of tool houses to create the magic of the textures, where the light and shadow, pain and happiness are mixed up.

The second part, Andante Of Cantabile in F major, flows spaciously in 3/4 times intermix from time to time rapidly those being fluttering of passages. A sudden exclamation fort into unison disrupts the tone of complacency, and which it follows not expected harmoniously and texture that as a result daring and beautiful hauntingly.

Third motion merry "hunting" to be disposed to dances 6/8 meters. In contrast to the symphony this is not contrapuntal in the structure. Arpeggio figure by main theme is passed by all three tools. In the hands of Mozart, the Piano trio exceeds the scope of Haydn's model in the fact that the violoncello was given more attention. (Old style more it is similar on the keyboard of sonata from the violoncello the doubling of bass and violin, that decorate the right hand.) In Mozart's later piano trios, it created new textures, including the establishment of lines in comparison with the piano, all additions in interest and has created a dramatic nature pieces.

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